Saturday afternoon Saturday 15 May 2021. Most of the shelters in Kathmandu close on Saturdays and don’t answer the phone (sometimes they don’t answer on weekdays either!) 5 pm and we get a call – our centre has closed down for the night. But it’s a dog nearby that is acting strangely. So off to the vet clinic (after a call to make sure they are open) – diagnosis is not good – Dr Sushil thinks it’s rabies. So back to our centre where we isolate the dog in our clinic room – everywhere else is full up. Now we have to observe – if it is rabies, it would die within 2 or 3 days. Still alive now and it even eats a little, so there is some hope. We have come across several rabies cases lately, so it is getting to worry us. Time to revaccinate our dogs – we and our staff have been vaccinated.
Update 21 May: Kale is able to get up by himself and walk around! We think he is going to be ok! If he makes a good recovery, he will be returned to his location – the local people will look after him.