Tammy, a terrified female dog with an advanced CTVT was found in Thamel by our friend, Linda, in March 2014. Another dog organisation was called but they would put her down. Local people tried but failed to catch this ferocious dog until one man had the presence of mind to grab her by the scruff of the neck and flatten her, giving Kate the chance to muzzle and bag her. Tammy was terrified of people – evidently she had been badly abused. Every week, Kate had to pluck up the courage to take her to Dr Gautam for chemotherapy. Still today, Tammy growls when approached by anyone except the local staff. Tammy keeps to herself, staying apart from the other dogs. She enjoys walks in the fields. She is healthy and well. Sadly, because of her acute fear of people, Tammy is not adoptable. Tammy is sponsored by Linda.