Lucy is a very special dog, she was brought in by a Nepalese school student as a 5-6 month old pup in April 2016. She had been in a road accident and her hind quarters were severely smashed with significant bone damage to her hind legs. Dr Sushil wanted to put her down but felt that she deserved a chance at life in Kate’s care. Lucy was taken into Kate’s home as she required special care. She ate and grew, adjusted and adapted, and gradually became more mobile. It was thought that one hind leg would need to be amputated as it was disconnected at the fetlock joint but somehow the leg remained attached. Lucy regained use of her other hind leg, and can now get around on 3 legs. Lucy is a confident, loyal, highly intelligent, capable, tolerant and affectionate 2-3 year old dog. She is a wonderful companion. Lucy would be suitable for adoption as a special care dog who cannot get upstairs nor open doors to outside by herself. Lucy is sponsored by George.

Lucy already has a sponsor.