
Fyauri, such a gentle and timid little soul, was found in April 2018 by a local Sherpa woman with advanced, resistant Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour (CTVT). Fyauri had been living on the porch of a local house, and seemed to have been fed by local people.

Kate agreed with the local people that CDWK would provide chemotherapy for Fyauri if cared for her in the community.  So for six weeks, Kate picked Fyauri up and took her for weekly chemotherapy at the Kathmandu Veterinary Clinic.  When the tumour had resolved, she was spayed, and spent a week at CDWK recovering.

After recovery, Fyauri was returned to her place in the community in June 2018.  Fyauri was greeted by the neighbourhood dogs.  She seemed happy to be back and curled in the same place on the porch of the local house.  

In September 2019, the local Sherpa girl who monitors her reported that she was unwell. So Fyauri came back for further treatment – she was found to have low platelets so she is being treated with Doxycycline, and will probably remain in the CDWK centre.

Fyauri April 2018
Fyauri September 2019