
Haku was picked up near CDWK in October 2019 with a bad break in the back left leg. Dr Sushil at AMC carried out a complicated surgery to realign the leg bones. Haku will recover at the shelter but will probably return to his place on the street when fully recovered.



Ama was an elderly female dog, having difficulty giving birth to her pups, when Kate was called to help her in December 2018. We rushed her to the Animal Medical Centre for an emergency caesarian section and removal of her uterus. She ended up with two live and four dead pups Three weeks later, we found 10 tiny pups of …


Fyauri, such a gentle and timid little soul, was found in April 2018 by a local Sherpa woman with advanced, resistant Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour (CTVT). Fyauri had been living on the porch of a local house, and seemed to have been fed by local people. Kate agreed with the local people that CDWK would provide chemotherapy for Fyauri if …


In October 2019, a kind local person reported a very sick, emaciated, older male dog in the street near the CDWK centre. He had had his penis deliberately cut. He was suffering from the wound and an ensuing systemic infection. Dr Sushil, at the Animal Medical Centre, performed surgery and Jangye underwent intensive antibiotic therapy. Although still very thin, Jangye …


Chueni was rescued by our friend Chuen Man Chang on 7 June 2019 suffering from badly damaged hind legs and in poor health. She made a good recovery and was active and happy with her friends and was going to be adopted by Laurie from France. But she came down with a respiratory infection that gradually got worse and didn’t …


Caru arrived mid-September 2019, he was not eating and looking rather weak. Blood tests showed low PCV and low platelets, so he was put on doxycycline and a high protein diet with iron supplements. But, in addition, he had a swollen prostate gland that was making it difficult for him to urinate. He was castrated and he had a few …

Khairi 2

Khaire Oct 2024

Khairi was pregnant but in poor condition and needed urgent attention when found in early September 2019. She had an emergency operation and pups were removed, all dead. Khairi has now recovered, although she is a sad little thing. Now vaccinated, she will remain with us as she is quite old. Khairi is sponsored by Ania.


Raj was rescued in mid August 2019 suffering from kidney failure. He has been having saline daily under the skin to try to flush the kidneys, and has improved considerably, although his PCV levels were very low also. So he has been on a high meat diet plus iron supplements. Sadly, he had a seizure on 16 May 2021 and …



Kancha was rescued in August 2019 with a maggot infested head wound. Fortunately, Kancha is a gentle soul and made no fuss when we were cleaning the wound. He recovered quickly and has been castrated and vaccinated. But as quite an old dog, we don’t want to put him back on the street, so he will stay with us. He …